Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian Fight on Social Media Over Leaked "Famous" Video

Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian Fight on Social Media Over Leaked "Famous" Video

Yes, it's really happening again: Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian are arguing on social media over Kanye West's song "Famous". (In 2016, Kardashian shared a snippet of a conversation on Snapchat in which Swift supposedly approved of the lyrics to "Famous," and Swift was subsequently branded a "snake" on social media.) Many social media users argued that the leak vindicated Swift, as the video did not show Swift approving the line "I made that bitch famous"

and that Swift's approval of the lyric "I made that bitch famous" was "a snake"


Swift agreed in a post to her Instagram Story on Monday, saying, "Instead of answering those who are asking how I feel about the leaked video footage, I'll just say that I've been on *that call* (which was illegally recorded and someone has been framing me, my family and my fans for 4 years I will prove that I was telling the truth the whole time about *that call* (which was edited and manipulated to put me through hell)," he wrote. Swift linked to the Food Bank Network's Feeding America donation page and wrote in a subsequent post. She wrote: "The World Health Organization and Feeding America are some of the organizations I donate to. If you can, please donate with me during this time of crisis," he wrote.

Donations can be made specifically to help those affected by the coronavirus outbreak' Donate to the World Health Organization's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund here (opens in new tab), Feeding America here (opens in new tab).

Time for Kim Kardashian to get chatting. She was not impressed with Swift's Instagram post, "@taylorswift13 chose to rekindle an old exchange. She continued (open in new tab)." I didn't feel the need to comment a few days ago, and I feel really embarrassed and resentful to comment now, but since she keeps talking about this, I feel I have no choice but to respond since she is actually lying."

"To be clear, the only issue I have with the situation is that Taylor lied through her publicist, saying 'Kanye never called me to ask for permission. The two of them were very clear about it, and you all saw that. No one denied that the word 'bitch' was used without her permission," Kardashian wrote (open in new tab)." At the time the two spoke, the song was not yet fully finished, but as everyone can see in the video, she said in a statement that her team "turned him down and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message," when in fact the two manipulated the truth of the conversation."


"The lie was never about the word bitch, it was always about whether or not there was a phone call and the tone of the conversation," she said (opens in new tab).

"I never edited the footage (another lie) - I only posted some clips on Snapchat to make my point," Kardashian continued (opens in new tab), "and the full footage that was recently leaked does not change the narrative." To add, Kanye as an artist has the right to document his musical journey and process, as she recently did through a documentary"


"Kanye has documented the production of all his albums for his personal archives, however, never released it for public consumption & unless she lied or forced me to defend him, the calls between the two remain private would have been or gone to the trash," she writes (opens in new tab).

"This will be the last time I talk about this because honestly, no one cares," Kardashian concluded (opens in new tab). 'I'm sorry to bore you all,' she said. I know you all have more serious and important issues to deal with." [And then Taylor's publicist jumped in:

Well, for three and a half minutes I was able to distract myself from the sequestration.

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