Prince Harry Receives Culture Shock in the U.S.

Prince Harry Receives Culture Shock in the U.S.

Now that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are settled in Los Angeles (opens in new tab), many questions are being raised about their new life in the United States (starting, for example, with the confusion surrounding Harry's tax and immigration status (opens in new tab)). Many are concerned about how Harry will handle the transition from his life in the spotlight in the UK to a more relaxed life in Southern California. Fortunately, Lady Julie Montagu (opens in new tab), an American married into the British aristocracy, offers Harry some advice on what to expect in his new American life.

Montagu is a TV host, yoga teacher, former cast member of "Ladies of London," and author who grew up in Illinois and is now married to Sir Luke Montagu, heir to the Earl of Sandwich.

"I always say that when you meet an American, you can tell their life story within 24 hours," Montagu says.

"We are very open emotionally, which is great for Harry. He'll be able to talk about his feelings, probably things he couldn't talk about over here, and I wouldn't be surprised if we start hearing a little more about how he feels about losing his mother at age 12 and how he and Meghan were treated in the press over here."[5

Montag also knows what it is like to raise a child in both British and American traditions, which 11-month-old Archie (opens in new tab) will also inherit from Harry and Megan. For one thing, Harry will be teaching Archie the importance of British manners.

"My husband grew up knowing that we should be fully clothed and wear socks and shoes at meals," Montag says.

"We would set the table for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We set the table for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We put down the placemats, put out all the cutlery, get the glasses ready, and serve everyone as guests." (A delight for Meghan, who loves to cook (opens in new tab))

Regarding American parenting styles, Montag imagines that Meghan's methods may be similar to her own." She recalls, "I remember when we were dating, one of the things my husband told me was that every time I talked to my parents, I would hang up the phone and say, 'Mom and Dad, I love you.'" I was like, yeah, that's what we do. My kids always say 'I love you' and hug me."

Montag also says that American cities and towns have an energy that Harry would probably appreciate. 'That upbeat, optimistic outlook on life is everywhere in America, and it's very contagious. I love it. My kids always notice how much people on the street greet each other."

One unexpected aspect of life in America that Montague misses (and one that Harry may come to appreciate) is customer service. America has the best customer service in the whole wide world. You ring the phone three times and someone will pick up from the other end, greet you as soon as you walk in, and say, 'Have a good day' when you leave the store."

The "American customer service system is the best in the world."

Still, one of the things that gives the British an edge over Americans is their history (Montagu himself will be featured in a new TV show, "An American Aristocrat's Guide to Great Estates" (opens in a new tab), which debuts next month in the United States). the rich heritage of the country's venerable mansions and castles). Harry would naturally want to maintain that sense of heritage and pass it on to his son.

While it will certainly take time for Meghan and Harry to balance their different cultures and for Harry to adjust to American life, Montagu is optimistic about the two. 'I feel like he's found someone he can be emotionally open with, and that's a really good thing,' she says. 'It makes family the most important thing.'

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