Pregnant Ciara FaceTimes with Russell Wilson during her latest ultrasound.

Pregnant Ciara FaceTimes with Russell Wilson during her latest ultrasound.

Pregnancy is difficult enough, but pregnancy in the midst of a pandemic, as Ciara is currently experiencing, is a whole other matter. She announced in January that she was expecting her third child, but in the months since then the world has changed almost beyond recognition. Due to increasingly strict hospital visitation policies, Ciara's husband Russell Wilson was unable to accompany her to her latest ultrasound, instead waiting in the car outside for her to FaceTim him.

Ciara shared a video of the appointment on Instagram. In the video, she is looking at the ultrasound image with a mask and holding up her phone so Wilson can talk to the doctor. She said, "The life of a pregnant woman in the Covid-19 era is very interesting... Russ had to FaceTime me from the car for our ultrasound," she writes.

Ciara and Wilson recently donated 1 million meals to the Seattle Food Bank (open in new tab) to help fight food insecurity amid the coronavirus pandemic. They are currently auctioning off double dates (open in new tab) (including trips on private jets) with all proceeds going to hunger-fighting charities: Feeding America, No Kid Hungry, World Central Kitchen, Meals on Wheels.If you have spare cash over $23,500 (current bid price), please let us know what you talked about.

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