Sold Out Bala Ankle Weights Back on Sale on Prime Day

Sold Out Bala Ankle Weights Back on Sale on Prime Day

If you are like me, you may be feeling a little slow to get back into your pre-pandemic workout routine. Our bodies have been through so much stress, illness, and bending over our laptops to work from home that getting back to work in terms of workouts may feel insurmountable. But there is one home fitness accessory (opens in new tab) that has kept us sane on Instagram and in Hollywood throughout 2020: the Bala Bangles (opens in new tab). The chic wearable weights are finally back in stock and on sale for Prime Day.

The trendy weights have a cult following on social media and have been spotted many times worn by celebrities in post-gym selfies. There's a reason for that! They can be incorporated into any workout without the clunkiness of ankle weights. Rock them during strength training for more reps, wear them on your wrists during Pilates or yoga, strap them on before a brisk walk, etc. There are 1lb and 2lb sets, so whether you haven't worked out in a while or you've been consistently fitness-oriented, these adjustable weights will You'll be good to go. With cute colors and a sleek design, they blend seamlessly with athleisure.

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