Ashley Graham's stretch marks and breastfeeding pics are important.

Ashley Graham's stretch marks and breastfeeding pics are important.

Ashley Graham is one of the few celebrities who authentically celebrates her body as well as her Instagram posts. Graham gave birth to her first child (opens in new tab) with husband Justin Ervin in January. Since then, she has been posting photos of her postpartum body while also speaking candidly about motherhood.

One of Graham's first Instagram posts after giving birth talked about wearing diapers, something that is not commonly discussed among new mothers." Raise your hand if you'd not know you'd change your own diapers too? ‍♀️ years in fashion, I never imagined that disposable underwear would become my favorite outfit, but here we are," she posted with the caption (opens in new tab). No one talks about the recovery and healing (yes, even the messy parts) that new moms go through." I wanted to show you guys that it's not all rainbows and butterflies"


In another post after giving birth to her son, Isaac Menelik Giovanni Irving, the model posted a photo of herself breastfeeding over coffee at a restaurant. (She had also posted a photo (open in new tab) of herself breastfeeding a few weeks earlier.) In other words... Superwoman!

More recently, Graham posted a photo of stretch marks on her belly, showing the world that her body continues to change after giving birth, but that's okay. She captioned the photo simply, "same me. few new stories."

Graham doesn't have to post these photos, but in doing so, she gives women a glimpse into her real life as a scary, complicated, and often confusing new mom. Thank you, Ashley.

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