Now I can text "I Miss U" to Barack Obama in the middle of the night.

Now I can text "I Miss U" to Barack Obama in the middle of the night.

Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's the totalitarian hell (open in new tab) we're living in. Though our time together was not perfect, Barack, the nearly four years we spent apart were, to say the least... It was illuminating. And Barack, now that you're gone, I just... I just wanted to say that I miss you. With all my heart, I miss you.

Anyway, I am going to email Barack Obama today now that he has released his phone number to the world. This drastic action was taken just 40 days before the 2020 election. Not that this very short time will stop Mitch McConnell from shoving his warm body into the vacant Supreme Court seat, but I digress. Obama is the first major politician to join Community, a platform that allows him to send and receive texts with large groups of his choosing (Kerry Washington, for example, recently used the platform to ask his Toronto fans where he could get a good green juice ( (opens in new tab))

According to Fast Company, President Obama recently used Twitch and Snapchat to get out the vote and get very friendly with kids. (Open in new tab) This is because Obama was a cool president. That was nice, but I don't need a cool president. All I need is a president who won't call the 207,000 people who died from a poorly managed virus "nobody."

Anyway! If I have to, I'm going to write Barack an email today: "Have you thought about us?" Or, "Come back to us, xoxo."

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