How to maximize freelancer productivity

How to maximize freelancer productivity

The pandemic has catapulted capitalism into an unknown future, and the gig market is taking notice. Layoffs due to the pandemic have created a fierce need and competition for contract work, and women in particular are entering that market: 11.7 million women lost their jobs between March and April, compared to 9.6 million men. women lost their jobs, compared to 9.6 million men. However, recruitment surged in the freelance field, one of the few sectors that has prospered as a result of the national crisis. This year, 2 million people joined the approximately 57 million Americans who already identify themselves as freelancers. And this shift shows no signs of slowing down. So if you've recently become a freelancer, don't panic. We're here: here's your guide to freelancing.

Going freelance is definitely an uncomfortable decision: you have to adapt to a new lifestyle with no organization or guaranteed income, and you may feel lonely at first (no more tea-spilling colleagues!). ). But there are ways to make it easier mentally. [According to productivity expert Lisa Zaslow, founder of Gotham Organizers, having a job creates a ripple effect: external structure. Without it, life can feel chaotic. Some people are naturally good at creating structure and routine," she says, "but even if you're the loose, creative type, make a schedule and stick to it, and include everything from exercise to coffee dates to housework. 'If you don't, [work] will become a blur and your anxiety will grow. You feel like you should always be working, that you should be doing more," he says. To silence that nagging voice in your head, respect your time as much as you expect your boss to.

To maximize productivity, "match tasks to your energy level," says Laura Adams, author of The Money Smart Solopreneur. If you're a morning person," she says, "do the hardest things in your business first. At the end of the day, work on less rigorous things. By working to your own rhythm, you avoid the downtime that might have occurred when you were dancing to your boss's tune or crushing it with your coworkers on the keurig.

And finally, don't be afraid to give yourself a gold star or two: when Zaslow started her business, she made a list of criteria that, aside from her balance sheet, included goals such as public speaking and fun things she could do because of her freelance flexibility. She suggests keeping a file of praise and accolades, like when you get a nice note from a client. Keep a record of your wins," she says. 'That's what we're here for. [This article originally appeared in the Winter 2020 issue of Marie Claire.

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