Don't miss Frida's realistic breastfeeding ad that aired at the Golden Globes.

Don't miss Frida's realistic breastfeeding ad that aired at the Golden Globes.

We hear a lot about the normalization of breastfeeding, but rarely do we see mothers breastfeeding candidly and realistically on television, as in a new commercial that aired during NBC's Golden Globe Awards broadcast, featuring the child care company Frida, which has de-glamorized and mystified breastfeeding.

The ad shows new mothers struggling to get the hang of breastfeeding and milking while managing their newborns. While we like to think that we inherently know how to care for our children once they come into our arms, the women in the ad openly admit that there is a learning curve in motherhood. They reassure themselves that "you can do it," but deep down inside, there is a nagging feeling that a good mother would know what to do. So mothers apply cabbage compresses to their sore breasts or try to pump while the baby sleeps.

It is no secret that there are few realistic representations of new mothers. Breasts are often hidden (at least when feeding babies) and the very real discomforts of breastfeeding are rarely discussed. In a commercial for Breast Care products, a series of pads and warmers that relieve sore breasts and cracked nipples, Frida portrayed the very real struggles faced by new mothers who choose to breastfeed. The catchphrase is "Take care of your boobs. Not just for your baby.

In a statement on the groundbreaking ad, NBC said, "We agree that this ad may push the envelope, but what makes it different is the context around the visual, and we stand behind it."

In the 30-second edit that appeared on NBC, the woman's nipples were blurred or hidden, but in the original 75-second ad, they are visible. In a statement to The New York Times (opens in new tab), Chelsea Hirschhorn, the company's chief executive officer, said, "The breastfeeding journey puts unparalleled pressure on women to 'perform.'

The ad was directed by Rachel Morrison, who was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Cinematography for the 2017 film Mudbound (opens in new tab). Morrison was the first woman to be nominated in the cinematography category.

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