Care: How to hand-wash silk

Care: How to hand-wash silk

Welcome to "Take Care of It" (opens in new tab). Here are some best practices to help you take care of the fine fashions you purchase and keep them forever.

We know how depressing it can be to care for your most dainty pieces. The dreaded "dry clean only" tag can have your silkiest possessions (open in new tab) hanging on your closest for far too long, for fear of possible stains. But the best way to keep the quality of your most delicate items high and your dry cleaning bill low is 1, 2, 3.... .4 is as simple as!

Before you get mentally overwhelmed: Hand washing is an easy way to take your must-have silk blouses (opens in new tab) and delicates from tired to fresh in the comfort of your own home, while avoiding the added costs and chemicals used by your local dry cleaner! This is an easy way to take your favorite silks from tarnished to fresh in the comfort of your own home and avoid the added costs and chemicals used by local dry cleaners. To preserve the color and quality of your favorite silk and remove stains as needed, follow these four easy steps from start to finish.

To avoid shrinkage and color fading, first fill a basin with cold water.

Add a gentle detergent like Laundress and make it runny: add Delicate Wash (open with a new tab) to the basin.

Gently lather the garment, spot treat where needed, and leave it soaking in the soapy water for up to 30 minutes.

Once the stains are removed, rinse gently, press out (do not wring) excess water, and hang delicate garments flat on a drying rack or in the breeze!

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