The Truth About Thigh Gap

The Truth About Thigh Gap

Let's debunk one diet myth. You can't get abs like a Victoria's Secret model by doing 100 crunches in a row. But to get the "ideal" body shape, exercise and diet are not enough.

A few days ago, Demi Lovato posted a beachy photo of herself in a bikini bottom and raised a very body-positive PSA. You don't need to have thigh gaps to be beautiful. It is possible to love your body just the way it is. #fitness #health #acceptance #selflove


And as for the obsession with thigh gaps, sorry to break the news (not really) but it's an unrealistic goal to aim for. Squatting, lungeing, and running will not increase your thigh gap. Yet, even if the muscles tighten, the leg space will not open up.

Also, thigh gaps are primarily genetic. Some people are born with such a body type, but for most people, thigh gap is not something they can or should strive for. There is no such thing as a "perfect" body.

Bottom line: to hell with the thigh gap, it's a fantasy beyond E. L. James' imagination.

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